Roni Ben-Hur © Sergio Cabanillas, 2007

You know, there’s a lot of people who are deeply affected by the music, and they want to give something back, and they look for ways to do it, and then they look at the Jazz industry and it’s very discouraging. I think a lot of them go about itContinúa leyendo

Foto © Sergio Cabanillas, 2009

Arturo Mora: Chuck, en los dos últimos años has grabado a tu nombre los discos Presence y Between 2 Worlds, el Express de Metro, has producido a Spyro Gyra y has estado de gira con Metro Special Edition y con el grupo Reunion. ¿Cuándo duermes? Chuck Loeb: [risas] Gracias aContinúa leyendo

Foto © Sergio Cabanillas, 2009

Arturo Mora: Chuck, in the last two years you’ve  done the Presence album and the new Between 2 Worlds CD under your own name, you have also recorded Metro’s Express, produced Spyro Gyra and toured with the Metro Special Edition and with the Reunion band. When do you sleep? ChuckContinúa leyendo

David Fiuczynski © Sergio Cabanillas, 2004

Creo que todo el arte entretiene, pero también es emotivo y espiritual. Eso es distinto del entretenimiento, que es algo que a veces contiene elementos artísticos. Me gustaría considerar mi música “arte que entretiene”. ¡Y espero tener esa actitud transgresora! Leer: David Fiuczynski: la mente de un torso sin cabeza,Continúa leyendo

David Fiuczynski © Sergio Cabanillas, 2004

I think all art is entertaining, but it’s also emotional and spiritual. That’s different from entertainment , which sometimes contains elements of art. I would like to consider my music art that entertains. I hope I have the transgressing attitude! Leer: David Fiuzcynski: the mind of a headless torso, byContinúa leyendo